Drawings…oh glorious drawings! Community members shared the wonderful works of art they have created during the October Art Challenge!

October Art Challenge

South Waterfront Art Challenge is back! It was a great success, where a number of local residents displayed in their works of art. Year two is back and the challenge is to make one ink drawing a day for the month of October. This concept is taking inspiration from Inktober, a month-long art challenge which began in 2015. To this end, the South Waterfront Art Challenge will encourage local residents to work in the wonderful medium of ink to create awesome works of art every day of the month of October.

The South Waterfront Art Challenge will gain inspiration from an incredible, local artist Michael Sammler, displaying a new ink drawing every day in October in the SWCR Office . Following a theme or not, Michael will depict a variety of concepts from real to imaginary imagery. Michael will pen simple to elaborate art works each day throughout the month and display them on SWCR office window. Come check them out!

To Participate: To get the neighborhood involved, feel free to sketch along; following a theme of your own or not. To participate in the South Waterfront Art Challenge, just get in one ink drawing a day during October and slide it under SWCR’s office door for display. Or if a weekly commitment is what you would like, feel free. Please make your works of art 6”x9” and use ink and paper. Interpretation is up to the artist, so how various concepts come to life through pen and paper will be a surprise! Works of art will not be for sale – they are just for neighborhood fun.

Some advice from our local artist Michael Sammler:

All you need is paper and an inking device. Brushes, felt pens, dip pens, fountain pens, brush pens are some of the options. Ballpoint pen works as well. My advice is to plan a head, make a realistic schedule, and stick to it. Make sure you have your paper and ink set up and a place to work. I like to look at random images online and I choose one to draw from for each day. I prepare the images ahead of time.
Here is some of my work from past years. I sometimes pencil things in first, but it depends on how much time I have. In the past I have penciled something at 5am and then inked in the evening. This year I will try to simplify the images down and only spend an hour each morning. But if I miss a day, or the image is not so good, I just give myself a pass and relax. The art challenge has really helped my inking skills and the variety of inks and pens out there has been a fun hobby. I hope you join me in an ink drawing-a-day.’