Join us on Opening Day of the South Waterfront Farmers Market! Thursday, June 5th from 2 pm - 7 pm, at Elizabeth Caruthers Park


Sometimes you want to find a different way to get to work, one that combines work with play. The South Waterfront is conveniently connected to the 40-mile bike loop, so biking to work doesn't have to mean dodging cars.

Bike Lanes/Paths

  • SW Moody Ave./SW Bond Ave. – Bike lanes along these two streets provide safe on-street space for cyclists to access the South Waterfront. Learn more about the construction of the Moody Cycle track.
  • South Waterfront Greenway – A 4.35 acre park along the Willamette River which includes paved paths, public art, and riverfront views.

Helpful Hints When Parking Your Bike

  • Lock the wheel and frame to the rack with a high-security, U-shaped lock.
  • Be sure the rack itself is securely anchored.

Route Planning

  • Portland Bureau of Transportation has created a regional bike map showing the location of bike and multi-purpose lanes, along with roadways color-coded to indicate the degree of traffic congestion. Download the Map.
  • South Waterfront TMA stocks a variety of bikeway maps produced by the cities of Portland and Vancouver. You can also check your local bike shop for maps and information.
  • Look for "Bike Route" signs and follow bike lanes.
  • is an online route-planner similar to Mapquest or Google Maps, but designed specifically for bike trips.


Go By Bike

Go By Bike is the largest bike valet service in North America and epitomizes the South Waterfront's commitment to transportation options. The bicycle valet at the tram operates in partnership with Oregon Health & Science University and the Portland Aerial Tram and is free and open to the public.

Go By Bike also offers repairs and bike share services.

For valet services:

Pick Up Or Drop-off Your Bike Between:

6:00 am until 6:45 pm Monday thru Friday